"Improvement of world health advances through Globalization and Partnerships"
Company name : Yungjin Pharm. Co., Ltd
CEO : Ki-Su Lee
Location : 13, Olympic-ro 35da-gil, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea
Foundation date : October 10, 1952
Representative products: Cephalosporin Antibiotic, Antipsychotic, Cardiovascular, Total Nutrition, and etc.
Yungjin Pharm. Co., Ltd was established in 1952, has been playing a major role as a forerunner in the Korean
pharmaceutical industry for half a century. With our inspiring mission statement, "To relieve the suffering of
from diseases with our innovative, effective and safe pharmaceutical products", we have shown our
successful contribution not only within Korea, but also through global expansion. As a result, we have received a
total of
25 awards including the President Award for Superior Product Development, the Prime Minister Award, Industry
Award and
many more. These accomplishments demonstrate our sustainability and commitment to the development of
products and business excellence in both overseas and domestic segments.